
The chart axes options enable users to set formatting preferences for the primary and secondary y-axis, and the x-axis. These options are available for Cartesian and plotted charts.

Axis Labels

Show or hide values for the given axis, and adjust fonts and value formats.

  • Show Axis Values: Select this checkbox to show or hide axis values.
  • Font: To use a different font style, click the arrow next to the default font and choose your desired font.
  • Size: To increase or decrease the Font Size, click the arrows next to the default size.
  • Style: To change the font style, select bold, italics, or color options.
  • Direction: (Only supported for the x-axis) Display the x-axis labels horizontally, vertically, or at a 45 degree angle. Choose Auto to let Pyramid display the labels in the most suitable way for the size of the chart.
  • Values: (Only supported for the y-axis and secondary y-axis).
    • Format: set the formatting string for the y-axis or secondary y-axis.
      • Raw Value: display the labels as raw values. For example, 100.00, 200.00, etc.
      • Data Format: set the label format according to the format of the measure in the data model. For instance, $100.00, $200.00, etc.
      • Custom: manually set the required label format.
    • Digits: set the units for the labels on the y-axis or secondary y-axis. Choose Auto to let Pyramid set the units, or select thousands, millions, or billions. Choose Off if you don't want to display units.


Show or hide the title for the given axis, customize the axis title, and adjust its font.

  • Show Axis Title: show a title for the given axis.
  • Title: by default, the axis is titles according to its measure or hierarchy. Select Custom to change the axis title.
  • Font: change the font type.
  • Size: change the font size.
  • Style: change the font style (bold, italics, or color).

Axis Lines

Show or hide the axis line and set the line width, color, and style.

  • Show Axis Line: Select this checkbox to show or hide the line on the given axis.
  • Thickness: change the thickness of the axis line.
  • Color: change the axis line color from the color picker.
  • Line Style: choose a solid, dashed, or dotted line.


Which settings are shown depends on which axis you've selected.

X-Axis Settings

Set the x-axis proportion, adjust image size, tick marks and Scale Bounds.

  • Proportion determines the proportion of the visual that is dedicated to the x-axis. You may want to change this to optimize viewing of y axis labels.
    • Auto: Pyramid will automatically determine the optimal axis proportion.
    • Maximum Size: manually set the maximum size of the y axis as a percentage of the visual.
    • Fixed Size: manually set the size of the y axis as a fixed number of pixels.
  • Tick Marks Sets the interval between tick marks on the axis.
    • Auto interval is set automatically.
    • Custom: Enter the value to use for the interval.
  • Scale Bounds: Sets the lower and upper bounds of the axis values.
    • Auto: Pyramid will automatically determine the optimal axis bounds.
    • Starts from 0 - Optimized: Pyramid will start the axis bounds from 0 unless it determines a better outcome.
    • Always starts from 0: Axis will always start on 0.
    • Custom: Manually set the lower and upper bounds of the axis.

Y-Axis Settings

Set the axis size, tick marks, and scale bounds.

Axis Size

Axis Size determines the proportion of the visual that is dedicated to the given axis. You may want to change this to optimize viewing of axis labels.

  • Auto: Pyramid will automatically determine the optimal axis proportion.
  • Maximum Size: manually set the maximum size of the y axis as a percentage of the visual.
  • Fixed Size: manually set the size of the y axis as a fixed number of pixels.

Tick Marks

The tick marks determine the increment of values on the y-axis. For instance, a tick interval of 50 will cause the y axis value labels to increase in increments of 50 (0, 50, 100, 150, 200, 250, and so on); while a tick interval of 200 would mean in increase in increments of 200 (0, 200, 400, 600, and so on).

  • Auto: Pyramid will automatically determine the optimal tick interval.
  • Custom: manually set the tick interval according to a given static value (for example, 1000 to increase in increments of 1,000).

Scale Bounds

Determine the scale of values on the y-axis.

  • Auto: Pyramid will automatically set the optimal scale limits.
  • Starts from Zero: start the y axis scale from 0.
  • Custom: set a custom start and end value.

Log Scale

Check this box to apply a logarithmic scale to the Y axis values.


Set the logarithm base to use. The default is base 10.

Note: To set the logarithm to base e, enter the value of e to the precision you require, e.g., 2.71828


In this example, titles were enabled for both the x- and y-axis:

Here, the axis line was adjusted for the x-axis: